Monday 13 July 2009

Their Love and Her Visa

The Issue of the Visa,
It left them both divided,
Hearts in foreign lands,
They often call for home,

Youth in Love, plagued with rationality,
illusionary power created by morality and faith,

It crushed them in their closeness,
dark-time slowed in moments,
acoustic beats played by rain
and windscreen wipers,

Not ready for collision,
two hands separate, 
drifting in distant air,
The other two are Finger-locked
and bonded for eternity,

Her slowness, in mourning,
His sunken-eyes, full,
Inevitability and decision
became so hard to bare.

There is sorrow

Today is full of tomorrow-thoughts,
and all the tomorrows go unknown,
In thinking -  Love has been forgotten,

Geography leaks from their paper-cup,
There is no patch for what is being lost.

jf. x